What’s Your BHAG?

TedX Detroit

My personal BHAG is to one day speak on this very stage 🙂

Jim Collins famously coined this phrase, and it stands for “Big Hairy Audacious Goal.” Although it may be more company/business-related, I like to think of my own crazy goals (personal or professional) as BHAGs. 

The thing is, I really have no idea how to get to this current BHAG. Or if I’m even able to do it. What if it ends up like the Peace Boat story??

Do you ever feel like this with any goals? Do you have any idea where to even start?

Well then, let’s brainstorm this together…

What do I need in order to attain this BHAG?

1. Research: being at yesterday’s TedX Detroit was the first step (check!). Of course, I’ve heard many a Ted Talk via podcasts, but I obviously have to actually watch some so I see how the presenters walk, talk, pause and present. Also, another bonus going for me is that I did oratory presentations throughout high school, and perhaps because of that experience have very little fear of talking in front of large audiences. In fact, it’s rather exhilarating! Granted, I haven’t spoken in front of thousands, so I’m sure I’ll feel jittery…

2. Get accepted by TedX Detroit to present: Their online speaker form application is “not available at this time” and I have no contacts who are involved. I guess I’ll start with researching online who the organizers are and reaching out to them via e-mail. 

3. Write a speech: I have to actually write something, and it has to be good enough to present on that amazing stage. It has to be a good, moving message. I have quite a few messages in my head, so let’s see if I can create magic with my keyboard… I know that I will have to write draft after draft after draft to get it just right. (Here’s where the perfectionist in me will have a pool party.) It needs to be succinct and impactful. Wow… that’s a tough request – but if I’m motivated to share something, then that shouldn’t get in my way, right?

4. Practice presenting: I am not a natural born speaker, and I know that I am more timid than the typical presenters on that grand stage. Further, how the heck am I going to memorize a speech that is under 18 minutes long?! I guess this means I’ll have to sign up for some Toastmasters classes (maybe even more than one) and potentially hire a speech coach. Some of this will require a financial investment (don’t all dreams?!) so we’ll have to be smart about this decision.

So what about you… What is your BHAG, and what are you willing to do to attain it? 

A little bit of a disclaimer, though… I believe that the most important thing to do is TAKE ACTION. Just take that first step. Who knows, I may not end up on that stage, but I might end up somewhere else that I never would have dreamed of. Maybe I’ll work on this and realize that either the dream or the timing isn’t right. The point is, I won’t know until I TRY IT. 

You won’t know if you do or do not want to do something. You just have to give it a try.

So let’s do this together. Let’s hold each other accountable for baby steps in any direction. Let me know what your BHAG is, and I shall keep you posted on this crazy dream of mine 🙂

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