The Go-to Resource for Japanese Jobs in the Philippines
This list was curated by Annabella Jankowski (LinkedIn)
Table of Contents (updated: 2/2020)
- Job Related Sources
- General/Visa Information
- Cultural Organizations
- Japanese Language Sources
- Other
If you want to work specifically in Japan, don’t forget to check out the Japan Resources page.
Regardless of the country you want to live in, be sure to see the Online Resources page for informative websites, YouTube channels, podcasts, apps, and more!
Job Related Sources
- Job Street- Job board that lists positions available to citizens of the Philippines to work and live in Japan.
- Pinoy Life- Job posting board geared towards Filipinos who want to find a job working in Japan! Job postings are for applicants who already possess the proper visa for work in Japan.
- Work Abroad- Job search website sponsored by the Philippines Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) that allows you to apply for jobs to work in Japan and beyond.
General/Visa Information
- Embassy of Japan in the Philippines- Website that provides official information on the Embassy of Japan located in the Philippines.
- Embassy for the Republic of the Philippines- Official website for the Embassy for the Republic of the Philippines located in Tokyo, Japan. Has services available to schedule online consular service appointments as well as to apply for a passport.
- Embassy of the Philippines in Tokyo, Japan- Website that provides information on the Embassy of the Philippines in Japan, as well as relevant news articles and stories.
Cultural Organizations
- The Philippines-Japan Society- Website that provides information on a number of organizations dedicated to fostering cultural and business exchange between the Philippines and Japan, including the PJS, PJFF, PHILJEC, and more.
- Japan-Philippines NGO Network- Website dedicated to various NGOs that operate to foster relations and cultural exchange between the Philippines and Japan.
- Japan Foundation Manila- Website for the Japan Foundation branch located in the Philippines.
Japanese Language
- Unmei Nihongo Center- Website for a Japanese Language center located in the Philippines that provides aid in refining your Japanese skills, from beginner level up to JLPT N3.
- Ateneo de Manila University- University in the Philippines which offers programs and extramural classes for those interested in learning about the Japanese language and culture.
- Y. Suzuki Nihongo Learning Center- Japanese learning center and school for individuals based in the Philippines that offers free and paid courses and lessons.
- Japan Language Research Center- Website providing online Japanese lessons geared towards those living in the Philippines.
- JLPT Review Courses- Website listing course offerings to help prep for JLPT levels N3 to N1.
- Study Nihongo with Jellyfish Education Philippines- Website providing online and in person lessons and courses for those interested in learning Japanese.
- Shekmatz- YouTuber who has a series of free Japanese lessons for Tagalog speakers that cover vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, and more!
- Matuto ng Japanese 5000 mga Parirala- free Google play app in Tagalog that allows you to learn and study Japanese!
- Lingohut- Website in Tagalog that allows you to study and learn Japanese!
Other Sources
- Ria Kimura- Woman who lives and works in Japan and makes YouTube videos on her experiences with doing so in Tagalog.
- CarolAnne Vlogs- YouTube channel highlighting a woman from the Philippines who produces content about living in Japan and Japanese culture in Tagalog.
- Pinoy Gaijin- Website that has helpful articles for foreigners living in Japan that cover travel, culture, language, and more!
- Robatology- YouTube channel that covers living in the Philippines and Japan as well as some cultural aspects with a bit of humor sprinkled in!
- ShekMatz- YouTube channel run by a woman from the Philippines living in Japan who makes a wide array of content surrounding living and working in Japan.
Be sure to reach out to Annabella Jankowski on LinkedIn. If you have any other suggestions to be added to this list, please submit them here.
Don’t forget to check out the other Resource pages, too! The Japan page is all about working in Japan. The Online Resource page is all about culture, language and job search tips, regardless of your home country.