The Go-to Resource for Japanese Jobs in Germany
This list was curated by Annabella Jankowski (LinkedIn)
Table of Contents (updated: 1/2021)
- Job Boards/Information
- Business Organizations
- General/Visa Information
- Cultural Organizations
- Japanese Language
- Language Schools
- JLPT Information
- Other Sources
If you want to work specifically in Japan, don’t forget to check out the Japan Resources page.
Regardless of the country you want to live in, be sure to see the Online Resources page for informative websites, YouTube channels, podcasts, apps, and more!
Job Boards/Information
- 求人ボックス– Job board in Japanese aimed at helping those who specialize in speaking both Japanese and German find their next job or career.
- AHK Japan Job Board- Job board in German for positions in Japan which are looking for German-Japanese bilinguals.
- Adeni– Recruitment agency that works with German and Japanese clients that could help connect you to your next Japanese job.
- Career management- job recruiting agency that specializes in finding jobs and positions for Germans interested in working and living in Japan.
- Career Connections- Job recruiting agency specializing in assisting German-Japanese bilinguals find jobs that utilize both languages.
- DJW Jobpool- German Job board that posts Japanese jobs in both Germany and Japan.
- Learn 4 Good- Job board that posts jobs for German speakers who wish to work and live in Japan.
- Japan Management- Website that allows you to browse jobs in Germany and abroad that utilize your Japanese skills.
- METAjob- German job board updated with work opportunities in Japan.
- Ausland Jobs Japan- Webpage in German that details how to find a job in Japan, as well as how to move to and work in Japan.
- Auslandslust- German job board that allows you to find a job from any country, with listings for jobs in Japan for German speakers.
- Career-Mapping– provides you with information about career opportunities in Germany and Japan based on official institutional or governmental sites and the members’ professional experiences.
Business Organizations
- Japanese-German Business Association– Website dedicated to a nonprofit organization geared toward fostering business and economic exchange between Germany and Japan.
- German JSPS Alumni Organization– Website dedicated to providing resources to and connecting German alumni of the JSPS and MEXT programs.
- JETRO Germany- Japanese business and trade organization located in Berlin which works to connect German and Japanese businesses and individuals.
- AHK Japan- Website that provides information on the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan.
General/ Visa Information
- Embassy of Japan in Germany- Website for the Embassy of Japan in German and Japanese (Home > Visa/Konsularisches to view information on the 5 consulate offices). The Website of the Embassy also provides information on how to apply for a temporary visa as well as the requirements to do so.
- Visa HQ- Website in German that allows you to apply for a visa, as well as learn more about the different types of visas and which is best for your trip to Japan.
Cultural Organizations
- Japanisches Kulturinstitut- Cultural organization working to bridge Japanese and German culture.
- Japanese-German Center Berlin- Cultural facility that aims to bridge Japanese and German culture. Hosts virtual events and conferences that cover a wide array of topics.
Language Schools
Study in Germany
- Language International- website that lists language schools that teach Japanese in Germany.
- DAAD Japan- German-Japanese language exchange program for internships, PhD research, and more.
- F+U Heidelberg Academy of Languages- Language school for those who wish to study Japanese language in Berlin, Germany.
- Manabi Sprachschule- Japanese language school that is geared towards native German speakers.
Study in Japan
- Manabi Sprachschule- Japanese language school that is geared towards native German speakers.
- Go! Go! Nihon Language Schools- Interested in studying Japanese in Japan? Check out this German resource to help you learn more about language schools and apply to them.
- JPSS- Looking to study in Japan? This website provides information on scholarships and applications for international students hoping to study in Japan at the university level and beyond.
JLPT Certification
- JLPT Information- Resource from the Japan Foundation that provides information on taking the JLPT in Germany.
- JLPT Dusseldorf- Website that provides information on taking and registering for the JLPT at Dusseldorf University in Germany.
- UZH AOI JLPT- Website in German that provides information about the structure of the JLPT as well as how to apply to take the exam.
- Verasia JLPT- Website that allows you to purchase textbooks and study materials for the JLPT exam.
Japanese Language
- Langenscheidt- German to Japanese E-dictionary to help you look up words and Kanji.
- NihonGo- German YouTube channel that produces content on how to learn Japanese and Japanese lessons.
- Dominik Wallner- German YouTuber who produces Japanese grammar lessons.
- Japanisch Grund Und Intensivkurs- Free Japanese lessons that are great for the beginning learner who knows German.
- Jakobs Japanisch- Website with lessons on Japanese grammar, vocabulary, and kanji to help you in your Japanese studies, as well as guides for studying for N4 and N5 of the JLPT.
- Japanisch Anfänger– website that produces free lessons for the German speaker who is beginning to learn Japanese.
- NihonGo- German YouTuber who produces content on how he learned Japanese and reviews Japanese learning materials. Also produces content about living in Japan.
- Busuu- Language learning app available in German that breaks Japanese down into daily bite-sized lessons. Perfect for beginners who are looking to begin their Japanese studying journey!
- Goethe-Verlag- German-Japanese language learning website that has listening audio files available to you to help you build your Japanese skills.
- Mondly- Paid Japanese lessons available in German to help you build your Japanese skills.
- Nihongo Pro- looking to learn kanji for the JLPT exam? Check out this webpage to learn more about what kanji you need to know for the test.
- German YouTube channel that produces content on learning Japanese as well as studying tips for the JLPT exam.
Other Sources
- Zooming Japan- German-born blogger Jasmine has visited every Japanese prefecture and covers a variety of topics pertaining to her experiences living and working in Japan.
- Young Germany- Germany embassy website in Japanese. Perfect for connecting German and Japanese culture.
- German in Tokyo- German YouTuber who makes content in Japanese about living and working in Japan.
- German Interpretation- Interested in taking lessons to learn how to speak German from Japanese? Check out this website for private and group lesson offerings.
- Say hi Natsu- Japanese YouTuber who makes content about working and living in Germany.
- Leo.JP- Japanese YouTuber who makes videos and content pertaining to connecting Japanese and German culture.
- NewsDigest- German news, events, and culture written and explained in Japanese.
- Miss Leuders- German YouTuber who produces content about Japanese language and culture as well as living in Japan!
- Go! Go! Nihon Blog- Blog in German that talks about Japanese language and culture, as well as living and working in Japan.
- Japanliebe- Blog dedicated to Japanese culture and living in Japan!
- Nach Japan Reisen- Website in German that pertains to living in Japan and Japanese culture, as well as information on some of the most popular prefectures and locations in Japan.
- TOKYOmaniacs- German blog that covers an array of topics, including working and living in Japan as well as different aspects of Japanese culture.
- Work and Travel Japan- German blog that covers living in Japan as well as Japanese culture, and provides you with information for your next trip to Japan, whether it be living there or visiting.
- Japan Digest- German website that provides news and information about Japan as well as how Japanese and German culture intertwine.
- 8900 km- blog run by a German woman living in Japan that covers a wide variety of topics including Japanese culture, travel, and living in Japan.
- Sumikai- German blog that covers aspects of Japanese culture and media as well as living and working in Japan.
Be sure to reach out to Annabella Jankowski on LinkedIn. If you have any other suggestions to be added to this list, please submit them here.
Don’t forget to check out the other Resource pages, too! The Japan page is all about working in Japan. The Online Resource page is all about culture, language and job search tips, regardless of your home country.