Submit Your Senpai Success Story!
Share your Japan story and how you utilize the language and/or cultural skills in your career.

Help Inspire Others
Show students, recent grads, JET alumni and others how having Japanese language and/or cultural skills is important to business.
“Senpai”: A Senpai for these stories is someone who utilizes Japanese language and/or cultural skills in a current or past career. A Senpai can be any age, as long as they can share a life lesson!
Check out the current Senpai Success Stories: Read them here
What To Write About
I love to see what Senpai come up with on their own; that’s the best way to hear their voice and message without filtering! That said, please try to answer these questions somewhere throughout your story:
- How/why did you start learning Japanese?
- Write about your Japan and career connection. (i.e. describe how knowing the language and/or cultural skills is important, and/or explain whether you needed to be “fluent.”)
- Give 3-5 tips for someone starting out on their Japanese language/cultural career journey.
Format Requirements
Format: Please make your article easy to read by creating headlines in between paragraphs and adding bold text to certain phrases so they stand out.
Length: N/A
Deadline: I post on Thursdays and, upon receipt of your SSS, will add it to the publishing queue.
Photo: Please send a quality image of yourself and/or of something Japan-related.
Social media: Please provide your social media handles on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter so I may tag you. If you do not want to be tagged, let me know.
NOTE: By submitting your article, you provide approval to publish your content on the website and its associated social media channels.
Let’s connect about your SSS! Contact Kasia here.
See the current Senpai Success Stories: Read them here